Walkthrough Babysitter

Walkthrough Babysitter sebagian besar didasarkan pada pilihan Anda. Beberapa perubahan ini
kecil, beberapa di antaranya cukup signifikan. Jika Anda tidak mengikuti panduannya, ketahuilah
bahwa Anda selalu dapat mengembalikan game ke pilihan terakhir Anda (atau bahkan lebih jauh) me

Pilihan terbesar dalam permainan akan terjadi pada Hari ke 5. Di sini Anda akan memilih apakah akan mengambil atau tidak
Christine bersama Anda untuk menemui Tuan Silver, pilihan ini akan menentukan rute mana yang akan Anda lalui
sisa permainan. (dengan satu pengecualian yang tercantum dalam panduan Perusahaan di bawah.)

Kedua rute tersebut adalah:

  • Rute Korporat melihat Christine bekerja untuk Tuan Silver sebagai CEO yang agak predator dan
    mencari tahu tentang kemungkinan transaksi curang di dalam perusahaannya. Rute ini akan fokus
    lebih banyak pada Sonya sebagai karakter sekunder seiring berjalannya waktu.
  • Rute Patreon, yang Anda dapatkan jika Christine TIDAK bekerja untuk Silver melibatkan
    Christine bekerja dengan sahabatnya Jessica. Dia juga harus berurusan dengan
    pria wanita agresif bernama Robert. Rute ini tentu saja paling banyak isinya

Catatan tentang Menyimpan dan Mengembalikan

Kami merekomendasikan untuk menyimpan game lebih awal dan sering. Pertama, ini memungkinkan pemain kembali dan memperbaikinya
kesalahan, dan dua permainan sedang dalam pengembangan, kami terus-menerus memperbaiki bug yang kami temukan
mereka dan itu mungkin berarti yang terbaik adalah kembali ke adegan sebelumnya di adegan berikutnya
versi keluar.

Panduan Rute:

Panduan berikut hanyalah dua kemungkinan rute dalam game. Kami
telah mengaturnya untuk memberikan pemain adegan nakal sebanyak mungkin juga
lebih dari cukup poin untuk lulus pemeriksaan yang diperlukan. Karena jumlahnya
pilihan dan cabang yang ada di dalam game juga ingin kami pastikan
Anda bisa melihat hampir semuanya dengan mengikuti keduanya. Ada cara lain untuk bermain
dan kami mendorong Anda untuk mencarinya, jadi pertimbangkan ini sebagai panduan umum dan
bukan proses yang pasti. Misalnya, Anda dapat melakukan fokus Horny sendiri
Rute perusahaan, atau rute Patreon yang berfokus pada Persahabatan. Setelah Anda selesai
ini, coba kembali dan buat pilihan lain, ada banyak hal yang bisa dilihat.

Corporate route (In this route we will focus on increasing Christine’s Friendship stat. This makes her
closer to you and is an indicator of how romantically she views you, and the world. Sonya will be the
focus in the later game.)
Day 1
1. Lie (Friend +1),
2. Go to Bathroom and have a shower,
3. Go to Living room and watch the TV (Porn),
4. Go to Bedroom and Put your jeans on,
5. Go out of apartment and pick Christine,
6. Quick and strict,
7. Help her (Friend +1), (Horny +1),
8. Be friendly (Friend +1),
9. Lie (Friend +1),
10. Offer to prepare something (Friend +1),
11. Offer to buy her one (Friend +1),
12. Knock (Friend +1),
13. Let her guess,
14. Be supportive (Friend +1),
15. Go to Bedroom and Work on computer,
16. Tell (Friend +1),
17. Decline (Friend +1).
End of day 1 (Friend 10 Horny 1)
Day 2
18. Go to Christine Room,
19. Yes,
20. Shake her rapidly,
21. Go to Bathroom, use toilet and shower,
22. Go to Kitchen, use fridge,
23. Go to living room, use wardrobe (suit up),
24. Go out of the apartment,
25. Do not apologize,
26. Be cunning,
27. Don’t agree,
28. Say no (Friend + 1),
29. Praise her (Friend +1),
30. Wait,
31. Pay it (Friend +1),
32. Go to Christine Room,
33. Use pillows,
34. Take it,
35. Go to the right part of Bedroom,
36. Use computer (work),
37. Tell the truth,
38. They were sweaty (Friend +1),
39. Yes,
40. Agree (Friend +1).
End of day 2 (Friend 15 Horny 1)
Day 3
41. Let her sleep (Horny +2),
42. Go to Bathroom and use toilet and use shower
43. Go to kitchen and use fridge (Friend +1),
44. Go to bedroom and use wardrobe (Suit up),
45. Go out of the apartment,
46. Order,
47. Lie (No),
48. Kiss,
49. Go to Christine’s room,
50. Use bedside table,
51. Check it out,
52. Go to the right part of Bedroom,
53. Use computer,
54. Surf the internet,
55. Study remote access,
56. Use computer,
57. Send Jessica e-mail with virus,
58. Go for it!
End of day 3 (Friend 16 Horny 3)
Day 4
59. Use computer,
60. Send the software,
61. Go to living room and watch TV (Horny +2),
62. Be direct,
63. Go to right part of bedroom,
64. Use computer,
65. Spy on Jess (camera),
66. Spy on Christine (camera),
67. Go to Christine room,
68. Yes,
69. Maybe next time,
70. Tell a lie,
71. Peek,
72. Peek some more,
73. Peek some more,
74. Go change,
75. End it (Friend +3, Horny +3).
End of day 4 (Friend 19 Horny 8)
Day 5
76. Use computer,
77. Spy on Jess (camera),
78. Spy on Jess (camera) second time,
79. Go to kitchen and use fridge,
80. Accept or Decline,
81. Wait,
82. Regular swimsuit,
83. Peek,
84. Shirt with cleavage and skirt OR Sexy shirt and short jeans,
85. Wait,
86. Let her,
87. Go with it for now,
88. Go to Christine room (Friend +1),
89. Go to right part of bedroom,
90. Use computer,
91. Surf,
92. Erotic games,
93. Excuse yourself. (WATCH OUT! If you take advantage of Sonya now, you will lose the chance to be
in a relationship with her in the future)
End of day 5 (Friend 20 Horny 8)
Day 6
94. Use computer,
95. Spy on Jess (camera) and Surf (erotic games twice),
96. Go to Christine room and click on Bedside table,
97. Check it out,
98. Go to kitchen and use fridge,
99. Offer something else (Friend +1),
100. Warn her, (WATCH OUT! Not warning will open possibility of Silver’s NTR.)
101. Help her,
102. Hug Jess,
103. Alcoholic (Friend -1),
104. Go to Bedroom and click on Wardrobe,
105. Take off your jeans,
106. Go to Christine room,
107. Go for the lotion,
108. Say nothing,
109. Shoulders,
110. Back,
111. Ass,
112. Shoulders (Horny +2),
113. Go to Bedroom and click on Computer,
114. Spy on Jess (camera),
115. Spy on Christine (camera),
116. Click on the Bed.
End of day 6 (Friend 20 Horny 10)
Day 7
117. Use computer
118. Spy on Jess (camera) and Surf (erotic games twice),
119. Go to kitchen and click on fridge,
120. Use computer,
121. Spy on Jess (camera),
122. Go to Bedroom and click on Wardrobe,
123. Put your jeans on,
124. Go outside of the apartment,
125. Encourage her to work with Jess, (Friend +1),
126. Go after her, (NOTE: If you decide to Stay with Christine, she will end up working with Jessica and
abandon her job with Mr. Silver)
127. Choose left door,
128. I thought you want,
129. Let her finish,
End of day 7 (Friend 21 Horny 10)
Day 8
130. Use computer,
131. Surf (erotic games twice),
132. Spy on Jess (fake site), become Super Patreon and check videos,
133. Go to Bathroom and use Shower,
134. Go out of the apartment,
135. Touch her ass,
136. Stop it here,
137. Check out her ass,
138. Carry her to bed,
End of day 8 (Friend 24 Horny 10)
Day 9
139. Engage and help her, (WATCH OUT! Not helping her will open possibility of Silver’s NTR.)
140. Peek,
141. Pour alcohol,
142. Eat, (if you pour alcohol again and you are horny enough i.e. 15 points there are other possible
outcomes for the night!)
143. Massage calf (Horny + 2),
End of day 9 (Friend 24 Horny 14)
Day 10
144. Grab her ass (Horny +2),
145. Christine (Friend +3, Horny +2),
146. What’s the worst thing you’ve done… (Friend +1, Horny +1),
147. Kiss Christine (Friend +1, Horny +1), (Sit on my lap – positive outcome if Horny > 19 and Horny >
Friend, see horny route point 146. when not taking Robert with you)
148. Sexy, but simple dare (Horny +3),
149. Go after Christine (Friend +2, Horny +2) (Alternative Jess BJ if her horny points are more than 5),
Day 11
150. Go to computer, Work, Play games 2x and Spy on Jessica’s camera,
151. Play with dildo for me,
152. Professional is best, (WARNING! Having sex with Sonya here can have adverse consequences with
Christine while pursuing a high friendship route.)
153. Go First,
154. It was flattering (Friend +1),
155. Make a Run for it (Horny + 1, Friend +1, Closer to MC),
156. Beautiful,
157. Help Christine to sit (Friend + 1),
158. Order some Sake (Date Point + 1 Note: Enough Date points will unlock a scene at the end of the
159. Don't,
160. Don't stare,
161. Romantic Toast (Friend +1),
162. "You look amazing in that dress" (Date Point +1),
163. Feed it to her. (Date Point +1, Friend +2)
164. "Think about how you feel next time" (Friend + 2, Date Point +1),
165. "Even in crappy shoes you look great!" (Date Point + 1),
166. Position her by pushing her shoulders,
167. Position her thighs with your hands (Friend + 4, Horny +1),
168. Take it seriously (Date Point + 1 Horny +1) Note: If you let her win, you lose a date point but get an
extra humorous scene in the next update
169. Rock Song! (Date Point +1)
170. Party Song! (Date Point +1, Friend + 1)
171. Romantic Rock Song! (Date Point +1)
172. Ultimate Cheesy Rock Song!
173. That’s probably a bad idea (Horny +1)
174. Kiss Her
175. Kiss Her Neck
176. Move Her Top
177. Kiss Her Neck
178. Kiss and play with her tits
179. Go between her legs
180. Back Off (Friend +5, Horny -5)
End of Day 11 (Friend 50, Horny 24)
181. Go to closet, put on jeans
182. Go to Christine’s room, check Bedside table
183. Check Christine’s PC, password is “Mister + Player’s Name“ (For example, if your character is named
Terrance, the password would be “Mister Terrance“.)
184. Check her browser history
185. Look at her contacts
186. Check photos folder
187. Return to your room, use your computer
188. Infect Silver with spyware
189. Leave your apartment
190. Kiss Her (Friend +1)
191. Help her (This will affect your relationship with Jess in the future. Quid pro quo will have
consequences later (good or bad, depending on your point of view. )
192. Tell her how you feel
193. Accept Her (if you want, save and Reject her, see what happens)
194. That sucks (Friend +1)
195. It's hard to let go of people we care about.
196. Ok.
197. "You're wrong, I'm not letting you go." (Very important choice. This will decide what form the
future relationship between you and Chiristine will take)
198. "If you're sure" (Friend +2)
199. Warn her
200. "Want to join me?" (Friend +3)
End of Day 12 (Friend 57 Horny 24)
201. Let her know you're up (Friend +2)
202. Check computer
203. Spy on Silver
204. Spy on Jessica, webcam
205. Put on Jeans
206. Leave the apartment.
207. “Tell her how good she looks” (Sonya Friend + 1)
208. “Yes”
209. “Kiss her” (Friend + 2)
210. Take Massage Oil from Table next to Christine
211. Pick Christine
212. Massage Shoulder, Back, Feet and Lower legs a total of 5 times.
213. Massage tits
214. Massage thighs
215. Massage Ass
216. Massage Ass or Thighs (Horny +3, MC Affinity + 1)
217. “Push her away.” (Or “prove it”) (Warning! If you prove it, there may be consequences in the
218. “Sushi?” (Friend + 1)
219. "Help her out" (Friend + 1)
220. "Help her out some more" (Friend +2)
221. "It's good, a great first attempt!" (Friend +1)
222. “Be Exclusive” (Warning! If the MC has had sex with Sonya or fooled around with Jessica picking
“Keep options open” while Christine’s friendship score is higher than her Horny score may have very
negative ramifications on the relationship with Christine going forward. Use caution.)
223. Kiss her (MikeHorny + 1, Horny +2)
224. Kiss lips (ChrWet + 1)
225. Kiss neck (ChrWet + 1)
226. Kiss tits (ChrWet + 1)
227. Kiss Stomach (ChrWet + 1)
228. Kiss Calf (ChrWet + 1)
Level 2
229. Kiss tits (ChrWet + 1)
230. Kiss Stomach (ChrWet + 1)
231. Kiss Lips (ChrWet + 1)
232. Remove panties. (Horny +1)
(EASTER EGG: As of 0.1.3a the MC is able to indulge in his foot fetish and still get the best result in the
sex scene should the player so desire. Kiss feet twice if you wish to do this.)
233. “Slowly, Christine on top” (Friend + 10, Horny +5) (Choosing the other option can get Christine
used to rougher sex… but it will also have negative ramifications further in the story.)
End of Day 13:
234. Spy on Christine via Computer
235. Spy on Silver via Computer
236. Spy on Jessica via Computer (webcam)
237. "Wait... I'm a Super Supporter... I should step in." (WARNING! Choosing either of the other two
options will open up the possibility of Silver and Jessica scenes in the future!)
238. Go to bathroom and use shower
239. I’ll get out of your way!” (Friend + 2)
240. Go to wardrobe and get your Tuxedo
241. Talk to the bouncer
242. See if there is a way to sneak in
243. Get help from the girl
244. See if there is a way to sneak in
245. Yes, of course
246. Power through the pain
247. Talk to Sonya
248. Go inside
249. Balcony
250. Pool
251. Balcony
252. Go inside
253. Yes. (Punch him in the face)
254. Pool
255. Talk to Julia and Alyssa
256. I like a little mystery
257. Balcony
258. Anal
259. Pool
260. Talk to Paul
261. Deck area
262. Fuck her instead
263. It’s not what it looks like
264. Christine
265. Let them fight
266. Paul and Julia
267. Kick their ass
268. Robert’s team
269. Aim for her top!
270. Focus on Jessica’s tits...
271. When in doubt... cheat!
272. Follow girls
273. Hot tub
274. Go inside (optional to see Alyssa having sex with Eugenio)
275. Pool
276. Hot Tub
277. Advise against it
278. Dare
279. Jessica
280. Kiss Christine
281. Christine
282. Get a drink, naked.
283. Dare
284. Kiss her ear (Friend +3)
285. Dare
286. Jessica
287. Apologize to Christine (Friend +5)
288. I love you, too… (Friend +10)
289. Just cuddle (Horny +5)
290. Just cuddle
291. Pull out / Cum inside
292. Give her a cheesy romantic line (Friend + 2)
293. Check Computer and Send Monica a birthday message
294. Spy on Christine
295. Spy on Silver
296. Exit Bedroom
297. Go to Bathroom and Shower
298. Go to Christine’s Room
299. Check nightstand.
300. Check her phone
301. Check her pillows.
302. Leave it.
303. Check desk drawer
304. Leave it.
305. Exit Guest Room
306. Go to Kitchen
307. Go to bedroom
308. Check computer, surf, check email
309. Click on Wardrobe, Suit up
310. Exit bedroom and leave the house.
311. Yes, Provisionally.
312. Tell Her Everything (Warning, if you don’t tell Chrisitne here she may take greater risks in the
313. 9 ½ Weeks (choose Commando for some fun dialog, but it won’t lead to any sexy scenes.)
314. Grab her tits
315. I think you can handle it just fine.
316. Cum Inside (Friend + 5, Horny + 3)
317. I might have
318. I messed up (if MC Horny is greater that 20 then Friend – 3)
319. Christine backs away
320. What Else Can You Offer?
321. Password is MCSilverBullet
322. Christine
323. Lola
324. Delete the Photos
325. Push her Away (Or don’t if you want to have sex with her and cheat on Christine. May have
326. Two of us
327. Christine and I are going first (Friend +3)
328. Yeah. Totally. It’s even kind of hot (Or pick the other option if you prefer Christine and Jessica not
fooling around.) (Friend +3)
329. I fantasized about Christine (Friend +3, Horny +3)
330. Which is why I love her (Friend +3)
331. I think Christine and I would share a room (Friend +3)
332. Automatic Christine Blowjob lesson (Friend + 5, Horny + 2)
333. Back Off (Friend += 5) (Warning: if you choose the other option, you will end the scene.)
334. Enjoy the ride (or end it here if you don’t want the threesome)
335. Kiss Christine (Chrisitne Wet + 1)
336. Kiss Christine’s Neck (Christine Wet + 1)
337. Kiss Christine’s Calf (Christine Wet + 1)
338. Finger Christine (Christine Wet + 1)
339. Turn to Jessica (Christine Wet + 1)
340. Kiss Christine (Christine Wet + 1)
341. Kiss Christine’s Calf (Christine Wet + 1)
342. Finger Christine (Christine Wet + 1)
343. Turn to Jessica
344. Teasing Play (Jess Horny + 2)
345. Eat Christine Out (Jes Friend + 3)
346. Fuck Them
347. Christine
Version 0.1.9b.
348. Offer to help
349. Dirty / Personal question
350. Yes!
351. Yes
352. Choose Christine (Friend +1)
353. I’ll pay... (Friend +3)
354. Yes
355. Let her!
356. No way!
357. Assure both (Friend +3)
358. I’d prefer Christine...
359. Dance with Christine
360. Skip it (Friend +3)
361. I need to do something
362. Fake it till you make it
363. No.
364. Be gentle (Friend +3)
365. Mouth (+1 Christine engagement)
366. Play with tits (+1 Christine engagement)
367. Legs (+1 Christine engagement)
368. Caress her cheek (+1 Christine engagement)
369. Hand (+1 Christine engagement)
370. Mouth (+1 Christine engagement)
371. Mouth (+1 Christine engagement)
372. Caress her cheek (+1 Christine engagement)
373. Play with tits (+1 Christine engagement)
374. Hand / Play with tits / Legs (choose only one and don’t repeat from now on)
375. Hand / Play with tits / Legs (choose only one and don’t repeat from now on)
376. Hand / Play with tits / Legs (which ever is last will have different outcome)
Version 0.2.0.
377. Doze off again
378. Do It!
379. Let her finish / Fuck her! (choose this option if you want Christine get pregnant)
380. Push away! / Give in! (if you already fucked Veruca and you choose this option, you will get her
Version 0.2.1b.
381. Let me talk...
382. Tell Monica the truth (Friend +1)
383. Bedroom! Now!
384. Leave it there
385. That’s a shame...
386. Reject her!
387. I don’t know...
388. Christine
389. Say Nothing
390. Offer to sleep on the couch (option which decides who you sleep with during night Jessica vs
391. Compliment Jess
392. Adore her...
393. Side with Christine...
394. Christine
395. Christine
Version 0.2.2.
396. Christine
397. Favorite vacation
398. Drink
399. Christine
400. Favorite color
401. Red...
402. Jessica
403. Celebrity crush
404. Favorite dish
405. Monica
406. Christine being doctor
407. Drink
408. Yes (if you want to be nice to Christine), Drink (if you want to be able to ask dirty question)
409. Jessica
410. Perfect date
411. Jessica
412. Favorite animal / Favorite sex position (if drunk enough)
413. No... (if you don’t want to cheat on Christine) / Yes, ma’am! (if you want have sex with Jessica)
414. Go for pussy (anal available only on horny route + asking Christine dirty question during bottle
415. Invite her (if you want threesome) / Reject her (if you don’t want threesome)
Walkthrough (Babysitter 0.2.2b.)
Patreon route (Horny Based. In this route we will focus on increasing Christine’s horny levels, this
makes her more sexually forward than she might be otherwise.)
Day 1
1. Lie (Friend +1),
2. Go to Bathroom and have a shower,
3. Go to Living room and watch the TV / Porn,
4. Go to Bedroom and Put your jeans on,
5. Go out of the apartment and pick up Christine,
6. Quick and strict,
7. Help her (Friend +1), (Horny +1),
8. Be friendly (Friend +1),
9. Lie (Friend +1),
10. Offer to prepare something (Friend +1),
11. Suggest to her to go naked (Friend -1), (Horny +1),
12. Enter without knocking (Friend -2), (Horny +1),
13. Let her guess,
14. Be supportive (Friend +1),
15. Go to Bedroom and Take off your jeans,
16. Go to Bathroom and Peak,
17. Tell (Friend +1),
18. Decline (Friend +1),
19. No,
20. Caress her,
21. Pretend that you are asleep (Horny +2),
End of day 1 (Friend 5 Horny 5)
Day 2
22. Go to Bathroom and use toilet (Horny +2),
23. Use shower,
24. Go to kitchen and use fridge,
25. Go to bedroom and use wardrobe (Suit up),
26. Go out of the apartment,
27. Do not apologize,
28. Use your charms,
29. Don’t agree,
30. Say no (Friend +1),
31. Take a quick peek or Just Wait,
32. Go and check Christine,
33. Praise her (Friend +1),
34. Checkout Christine or Checkout Jessica,
35. Don’t pay it,
36. Go to the right part of bedroom,
37. Use computer (Work),
38. Yes,
39. Agree (Friend +1),
End of day 2 (Friend 8 Horny 7)
Day 3
40. Sleep some more (Horny +3),
41. Go to Bathroom and use toilet and use shower
42. Go to kitchen and use fridge (Friend -1),
43. Go to bedroom and use wardrobe (Suit up),
44. Go out of the apartment,
45. Order
46. Lie (No)
47. Kiss
48. Go to Christine’s room
49. Use bedside table
50. Check it out
51. Check drawers and take bra
52. Go to right part of the bedroom
53. Use computer
54. Surf the internet
55. Study remote access
56. Use computer
57. Send Jessica e-mail with virus
58. Go for it!
End of day 3 (Friend 7 Horny 10)
Day 4
59. Use computer,
60. Send the software,
61. Go to living room and watch TV (Horny +1),
62. Be direct,
63. Go to right part of bedroom,
64. Use computer,
65. Spy on Jess (camera),
66. Spy on Christine (camera),
67. Go to Christine room,
68. Yes,
69. If you want to,
70. Choose whatever route you like.
End of day 4 (Friend 7 Horny 11)
Day 5
71. Use computer,
72. Spy on Jess (camera),
73. Spy on Jess (camera) second time,
74. Go to Christine room,
75. Check it out,
76. Go to kitchen and use fridge,
77. Decline,
78. Wait,
79. String bikini,
80. Wait,
81. Sexy shirt and short jeans,
82. Wait,
83. Stop her (Friend -2),
84. Go to Christine room (Friend +1),
85. Go to right part of bedroom,
86. Use computer,
87. Surf,
88. Erotic games,
89. Help her,
90. Excuse yourself, (WATCH OUT! If you take advantage of Sonya now, you will lose chance to get her
more involved with Christine in the future.)
End of day 5 (Friend 6 Horny 11)
Day 6
91. Use computer,
92. Spy on Jess (camera),
93. Go to Christine room (you might want to steal panties from drawers to see Christine without them
during kitchen event, but it will stop you from doing proper massage event later),
94. Click on Bedside table and check it out,
95. Go to kitchen and use fridge,
96. Offer something else (Friend +1),
97. Help her,
98. Hug Jess,
99. Alcoholic (Friend -1),
100. Go to Bedroom and click on Wardrobe,
101. Take off your jeans,
102. Go to Christine room,
103. Go for the lotion,
104. Say nothing,
105. Shoulders,
106. Back,
107. Ass,
108. Shoulders (Horny +2),
109. Go to Bedroom and click on Computer,
110. Spy on Jess (camera),
111. Spy on Christine (camera),
112. Click on the Bed.
113. Let her know OR Leave her
End of day 6 (Friend 6 Horny 13)
Day 7
114. Use computer
115. Spy on Jess (camera) and Surf (erotic games twice),
116. Go to kitchen and click on fridge,
117. Go to Bedroom and Use computer,
118. Spy on Jess (camera),
119. Go to Christine room,
120. Click on the drawers,
121. Take it,
122. Go to Bedroom and click on Wardrobe,
123. Put your jeans on,
124. Go outside of the apartment,
125. Encourage her to work with Jess, (Friend +1),
126. Go after her,
127. Choose left door,
128. I thought you want,
129. Let her finish you,
End of day 7 (Friend 7 Horny 13)
Day 8
130. Use computer, Spy on Jess (camera) and Surf (erotic games twice),
131. Spy on Jess site, Become Super Patreon and check her videos,
132. Go to Bathroom and use Shower,
133. Go to Bedroom and Put your jeans on,
134. Go out of your apartment,
135. Touch her ass,
136. Stop it here,
137. Check out her ass,
138. Massage her pussy 2x,
139. Finger her pussy (Horny +4),
End of day 8 (Friend 8 Horny 17)
Day 9
140. Go to the kitchen and check fridge,
141. Go the bedroom and Put your jeans on,
142. Go out of the apartment,
143. Jessica (Choosing the Player Character will increase relationship with him but may close off future
Jessica/Christine paths. Also WATCH OUT! Choosing Robert might lead to NTR.),
Day 10
144. Hug her (Friend + 2),
145. Jessica (Friend -1, Horny +1), (Choose Christine if you don’t want to see her invite Robert to your
place, watch further answers in Friendship path point 146. until end of the current day)
146. Grab her tits,
147. Sure, why not? (Friend +1),
148. What’s it to you if I am?,
149. Flash the people downstairs (Horny +1),
150. Dare,
151. Take off your top (Horny +2),
152. Dare,
153. Have you ever cheated? (Friend +1, Horny +1),
154. Go after Christine,
155. I better step in (WATCH OUT! If you don’t step in Jessica might not stop Robert if she has more
than 5 horny points and Christine might be negatively affected by this event if she has more horny
points than friendship points),
Day 11
156. Go to Christine’s room, open drawer and take panties.
157. Go to computer, Work, Play games 2x and Spy on Jessica’s camera,
158. Play with dildo for me,
159. Professional is overrated (Horny +1),
160. Just take the towel (Horny +2, Friend +1),
161. Sexy,
162. Help Christine to sit (Friend +1),
163. Order some Sake (Date Point + 1 Note: Enough Date points will unlock a scene at the end of the
164. Check out her ass,
165. Stare at waitress breast,
166. Funny Toast (Horny +1),
167. "You look amazing in that dress" (Horny +2, Date Point +2 NOTE: The horny and date points are
part of the follow up scene.),
168. I’ll charge you next time (Horny +2),
169. "Even in crappy shoes you look great!" (Date Point + 1),
170. Position her by pushing her shoulders,
171. Position her thighs with your hands (Friend + 3, Horny +2)
172. Take it seriously (Date Point + 1 Horny +2 Note: If you let her win, you lose a date point but get an
extra humorous scene in the next update)
173. Rock Song! (Date Point +1)
174. Party Song! (Date Point +1, Friend + 1)
175. Romantic Rock Song! (Date Point +1)
176. Ultimate Cheesy Rock Song!
177. Kiss Her (Horny +1)
178. Kiss Her
179. Kiss Her Neck
180. Move Her Top
181. Kiss Her Neck
182. Kiss and play with her tits
183. Go between her legs
184. Push Forward (Friend -5, Horny +5)
End of Day 11 (Friend 15, Horny 41)
185. Go to Christine’s room, check Bedside table
186. Check Christine’s PC, password is “Mister + Player’s Name“ (For example, if your character is named
Terrance, the password would be “Mister Terrance“.)
187. Check her browser history
188. Look at her contacts
189. Check photos folder
190. Return to your room, use your computer
191. Infect Robert with spyware
192. Spy on Jessica
193. Computer’s Webcam
194. Apologize for making her feel uncomfortable
195. Accept Her (if you want, save and Reject her, see what happens)
196. That sucks (Friend +1)
197. It's hard to let go of people we care about.
198. Ok.
199. "You're right. This is crazy" (Very important choice. This will decide what form the future
relationship between you and Chiristine will take)
200. "Please do. " (Horny + 2)
201. "Let it go. "
202. "Want to join me?“ (Friend +3)
End of Day 12 (Friend 19 Horny 43)
203. Pretend to be asleep
204. Slyly lower your boxers. (Horny +4)
20. Check computer
203. Spy on Robert
204. Spy on Jessica, webcam
205. Put on Jeans
206. Leave the apartment.
207. “Tell her how good she looks” (Sonya Friend + 1, Sonya Horny +1)
208. “Yes”
209. “Do it”
210. “Play Along”
211. “Push the back of the head” (Sonya Horny + 1)
212. (Automatic +1 Horny)
213. “Grope her” (Horny + 2, MC Horny + 2)
214. Take Massage Oil from Table next to Christine
215. Pick Jessica
216. Massage Shoulder, Back, Feet and Lower legs a total of 5 times.
217. Massage tits
218. Massage thighs
219. Massage Ass
220. Massage Ass or Thighs (Horny +2, Jessica Horny +2, MC Affinity +1)
221. “Prove it.”
222. Spank Jess
223. Spank Jess (JesHorny +2)
224. Pull her hair
225. Finish inside her (or have her use her tits, your choice.)
226. “Kiss her.” (Sonya Friend + 2, Friend - 1)
227. “Sushi?” (Friend + 1)
228. "Help her out" (Friend + 1)
229. "Hug her from behind" (Horny +2)
230. "It's good, a great first attempt!" (Friend +1)
231. “"Keep things as they are" (Warning to those with a higher Christine Friendship score than their
Horny score! If the MC has had sex with Sonya or fooled around with Jessica picking this option (i.e.
having open relationship) while Christine’s friendship score is higher than her horny score, her
jealousy might have negative ramifications on the relationship with Christine going forward. Use with
232. Kiss her (MikeHorny + 3, Horny +2)
233. Kiss lips (ChrWet + 1)
234. Kiss neck (ChrWet + 1)
235. Kiss tits (ChrWet + 1)
236. Kiss Stomach (ChrWet + 1)
228. Kiss Calf (ChrWet + 1)
Level 2
229. Kiss tits (ChrWet + 1)
230. Kiss Stomach (ChrWet + 1)
231. Kiss Lips (ChrWet + 1)
232. Remove panties. (Horny +1)
(EASTER EGG: As of 0.1.3a the MC is able to indulge in his foot fetish and still get the best result in the
sex scene should the player so desire. Kiss feet twice if you wish to do this.)
233. “Slowly, Christine on top” (Horny + 10, Friend +5) (Choosing the other option can get Christine
used to rougher sex… but it will also have negative ramifications further in the story.)
End of Day 13:
234. Spy on Christine via Computer
235. Spy on Robert via Computer
236. Spy on Jessica via Computer (webcam)
237. "Wait... I'm a Super Supporter... I should step in." (WARNING! Choosing either of the other two
options will open up the possibility of Silver and Jessica scenes in the future!)
238. Go to bathroom and use shower
239. I’ll get out of your way!” (Friend + 2)
240. Go to wardrobe and get your Tuxedo
241. Talk to the bouncer
242. See if there is a way to sneak in
243. Get help from the girl
244. See if there is a way to sneak in
245. Yes, of course
246. Power through the pain
247. Talk to Sonya
248. Go inside
249. Balcony
250. Pool
251. Balcony
252. Go inside
253. Yes. (Punch him in the face)
254. Pool
255. Talk to Julia and Alyssa
256. I like a little mystery
257. Balcony
258. Anal
259. Pool
260. Talk to Paul
261. Deck area
262. Just push her head!
263. Spit
264. It’s not what it looks like…
265. Christine
266. Let them fight
267. Paul and Julia
268. Throw the game
269. Robert’s team
270. Aim for her top!
271. Focus on fight…
272. Stay in the pool
273. Hot tub
274. Advise against it
275. Dare
276. Christine
277. Kiss Jessica
278. Jessica
279. Get a drink, naked
280. Dare
281. Kiss her nipple (Horny + 3)
282. Truth
283. Yes.
284. Christine
285. Stay with Jessica
286. Kiss her
287. Kiss her
288. Play with her tits
289. Play with foot
290. Play with pussy
291. Play with her tits
292. Play with pussy (you might want to try to use this as last attempt)
293. Flip her over
294. Spank it
295. Play with ass
296. Play with Pussy
297. Play with ass
298. Play with Pussy
299. Fuck her from behind
300. Change position (check special V.0.1.6. guide below for more info)
301. Fuck her face up
302. Cum inside
303. Just Cuddle (Horny +5)
304. Play with her
305. Keep Going
306. Talk to Her
307. Go With Her
308. Give her a sarcastic, flirty response.
309. Check Computer
310. "Nope. She never sends me shit"
311. Spy on Christine
312. Exit Bedroom
313. Go to Bathroom and Shower
314. Go to Christine’s Room
315. Check nightstand.
316. Check her phone
317. Check her pillows.
318. Take it.
319. Check desk drawer
320. Take it.
321. Exit Guest Room
322. Go to Kitchen
323. Go to bedroom
324. Check computer, surf, check email
325. Click on Wardrobe, Suit up
326. Exit bedroom and leave the house.
327. I don't like it. So no.
328. Tell Her Everything (Warning, if you don’t tell Chrisitne here she may take greater risks in the
329. 9 ½ Weeks (choose Commando for some fun dialog, but it won’t lead to any sexy scenes.)
330. Cup her ass (Horny + 3)
331. Well, if you insist (Horny + 5)
332. Don‘t (Friend + 5, Horny + 3)
333. No.
334. She overreacted (if MC Horny is greater that 20 then Friend – 3)
335. I want to get paid
336. Keep trying the password until something happens.
337. Angela’s Girls
338. Lola
339. Delete the Photos
340. Pull her in towards you
341. Two of us
342. I’ll hit the shower with Jess (Friend – 3, Jess Friend + 3)
343. Both of you?
344. But she’s a sexy little freak (Horny +3)
345. Maybe we all share a room
346. Jessica (Friend – 5, Horny + 5)
347. Back Off (Friend + 5) (Warning: if you choose the other option, you will end the scene.)
348. No.
349. Kiss Christine (Chrisitne Wet + 1)
350. Kiss Christine’s Neck (Christine Wet + 1)
351. Kiss Christine’s Calf(Christine Wet + 1)
352. Finger Christine (Christine Wet + 1)
353. Turn to Jessica (Christine Wet + 1)
354. Kiss Christine (Christine Wet + 1)
355. Take dildo (behind the couch)
356. Kiss Christine’s Calf (Christine Wet + 1)
357. Finger Christine (Christine Wet + 1)
358. Turn to Jessica
359. Teasing Play (Jess Horny + 2)
360. Footjob
361. Eat Christine Out (Jes Friend + 3)
362. Blowjob (Jess Horny + 3, Friend – 5)
363. Fuck Them
364. Jessica
Version 0.1.9b.
365. Offer to help
366. Yes!
367. Choose Jessica
368. I wanted to protect you
369. Yes/No (whether you want or not fuck Jessica)
370. Grab her head
371. Your card is here
372. Yes
373. Let her
374. Do it.
375. Assure both
376. I’d prefer Christine / Yes
377. Dance with Jessica (Friend -2)
378. Christine (Horny +3)
379. I need to do so something... / That’s not so bad… (whether you want or not to fuck Jessica)
380. Kiss Her
381. Fuck her
382. Yes
383. Be gentle (Friend +3, but secret route to fuck Christine here only on horny route)
384. Mouth (+1 Christine engagement)
385. Play with tits (+1 Christine engagement)
386. Legs (+1 Christine engagement)
387. Caress her cheek (+1 Christine engagement)
388. Hand (+1 Christine engagement)
389. Mouth (+1 Christine engagement)
390. Mouth (+1 Christine engagement)
391. Caress her cheek (+1 Christine engagement)
392. Play with tits (+1 Christine engagement)
393. Hand / Play with tits / Legs (choose only one and don’t repeat from now on)
394. Hand / Play with tits / Legs (choose only one and don’t repeat from now on)
395. Hand / Play with tits / Legs (which ever is last will have different outcome)
Version 0.2.0.
396. Doze Off Again
397. Well, wait... (Friend - 3)
398. Let Her Finish
399. Push away! / Give in! (if you already fucked Veruca and you choose this option, you will get her
400. Bathroom
401. Continue
Version 0.2.1b.
402. Not here!
403. Lie to Monica (Horny + 1)
404. Take it out
405. I can see that…
406. Fall for it!
407. I don’t know…
408. Jessica
409. Joke
410. Don’t offer
411. Compliment Jess
412. Joke…
413. Side with Christine
414. Christine/Monica/Jessica (this option opens more possibilities in the future with particular girl)
415. Christine
Version 0.2.2.
416. Monica
417. Christine being doctor
418. Drink
419. Jessica
420. Celebrity crush
421. Jessica
422. Perfect date
423. Christine’s father
424. Christine
425. Favorite color
426. Red...
427. Drink
428. Drink
429. Jessica OR Monica
430. Favorite animal / Favorite sex position OR Being Christine’s babysitter / Last time having sex
431. Favourite sexual activity
432. Let her do it! (if you want to fuck her) / Cut her loose…
433. Go for anal
434. Invite her (if you want threesome) / Reject her (if you don’t want threesome)

Relationship with Christine: In the game you are given the option to choose the kind of relationship you
want with Christine. This will change how she views the main character sleeping with other women, and
how she reacts to certain scenarios. If you choose to have an exclusive relationship, Christine will
generally not be happy with the MC if he cheats on her with other women, but she will also be more
romantically inclined. If the relationship is a physical or open relationship, Christine will be more
understanding of the main character sleeping with other women, so this will make a harem route easier.
However, these relationships are also modified by whether Christine has a higher Friendship or Horny
score. This means that a high Friendship open relationship can lead to jealousy and bad feelings all
around, and a high horny physical relationship may be more forgiving of dalliances or flirting by the main
character, but might be worse in the long run.
NTR Guide: Some of you may want to find the alternate NTR routes that are hidden in the game. In
these routes, instead of dating the Main Character, Christine will date either Robert or Mr. Silver. They
provide an interesting look at what might happen if Christine were to fall for someone less scrupulous
than the Main Character.
Now to access these routes your best bet will to be of course taking the alternate choices during an NTR
warning in the main walkthrough (For example, do NOT warn Christine about Mr. Silver, or dance with
Jessica instead of Christine at the club) Each of these events will increase Christine’s affinity with Mr.
Silver or Robert, often at the expense of her affinity with her babysitter.
If Silver or Robert has a higher affinity than the main character, on the night of Day 11 Christine will date
them instead. For a detailed description of all the times you can increase Christine’s affinity with her
other suitors, look below.
Warning! If the idea of seeing Christine in sexual situations with people other
than the main character bothers you, tread carefully!
Times you can increase Affinity
Mr. Silver (Working with Silver route only.)
Day 8: If you finger Christine correctly and she has NOT peeped on the main character earlier in the day
then she will think of Silver and gain affinity.
Day 9: After the Hotel Stay with Silver, she will gain affinity
Day 10: While Christine bathes, if as on Day 8 she has not peeped on the main character and she was
also not warned about Silver she will gain affinity
Robert (working with Jess route only):
Day 8: If you finger Christine correctly and she has NOT peeped on the main character earlier in the day
then she will think of Robert and gain affinity.
Day 9: If Christine chooses to fantasize about Robert while masturbating she will gain Affinity
Day 10: While Christine bathes, if as on Day 8 she has not peeped on the main character then she will
gain affinity
Day 10: If Christine dances with Robert she will gain affinity.
Day 10: If you stay with Jessica at the end of Truth or dare, Robert will go after Christine and gain
affinity. If her Horny is over 20, she will gain additional affinity.
Day 11: If you, after Robert messed with Christine above, forbid her from seeing him, she will lose all
affinity with MC and Gain one more affinity with Robert.
Cuckold Route:
Choices that you make before and during the yacht can open a route in which Christine may find herself
drawn to your rivals after starting a relationship with you. In order to access this route the following
must occur:
1) You must be in an open relationship with Christine
2) You must have slept with Sonya on Day 11 or Fingered Jessica to orgasm on Day 13
3) Christine must have a higher friendship score than her horny score when you first have sex with her
4) When Christine asks if it’s ok for her to sleep with other men, respond with: "I... guess I can't say
5) On day 26, when you have to choose between "Tell her everything" or "Don't tell her", you horny
points MUST BE HIGHER than your friendship points before you make the choice.
Special V.0.1.5 Guide:
Once you have a conversation with Jessica on the balcony (after she has had her
one on one talk with Christine) you must talk to Alyssa and Julia at the pool. They
will mention that Sonya is on the balcony right now. This triggers a conversation
with Sonya and Eugenio on the balcony which itself further triggers the ability to
talk to Christine on the deck.
There are two optional conversations, the first is Paul at the pool and the second
is with Silver + Robert inside the Yacht. There you have a fun situation should you
choose to let out your frustrations on them.
Your conversation with Christine will automatically end with you and her fooling
around in her room so long as:
1.) You are the one who is dating her
2.) You didn’t go for open relationship on friendship route (i.e. Christine is jealous
of other girls and wants you to feel jealous too)
3.) You didn’t fuck her roughly for her first time
If Christine IS jealous (ie you didn’t follow point #2) you can convince her to go
down to the hotel room with you. The same applies for point 3 however, with
simple difference that you have no option to have sex with her in her room and if
her Friendship level is higher than her Horny level she will refuse entirely..
If Christine is jealous of your relationship with other women, she will ask you if it’s
ok for her to date other men. If you say yes... this can open up new scenes in the
future with Christine and other men.
If you are not dating her and she is with Robert or Silver instead (i.e. point 1) this
is the time where you can reveal your identity to Christine. If you try to lie about
who you are or if you don’t promise to trust Christine she will get mad at you. This
will lead to different dialog during some scenes and different actions on
Christine’s part, including experimenting with Robert’s drugs.
Chicken Fight:
After some talk in the pool there is a chicken fight. You either can choose
Christine or Jessica. Fight combinations are same for both just different renders.
Fights between Robert and Paul’s team always ends up with Julia falling and being
Fight between Paul and you can either ends up with loss (Julia squeezing
Christine/Jessica nipple) or winning (increasing friendship points with
Fight between Robert and you can either ends up:
1.) Your girl falling (When in doubt cheat, Aim for her shoulders/stomach)
2.) Robert’s girl falling (Aim for her top + Focus on tits + When in doubt cheat)
3.) Both girls falling (Aim for her shoulders/stomach+ Aim for her top + Focus on
tits + When in doubt cheat)
4.) Robert’s girl falling and taking down swimsuit of your girl in revenge (Aim for
her top + Focus on fight)
If you flesh girls before SIlver, you will manage to distract him and let Alyssa take
his phone for a while which opens possibility to have sex with her later in the
Before big final decision what to do next you are in the pool where Paul and Julia
start to make out. In case Christine is dating Robert, they are making out in the
pool too.
Final decision:
Path 1: Choosing to go after Alyssa
If you distract Silver and help Alyssa and needless to say it is followed by a very
hot sex scene with her. After this, you can go check on your girls and listen in on
their conversation with Silver in hot tub. Following this you get to watch Robert
go after Julia in front of Paul. This will be recorded by Sonya but you won't get to
interact with her.
Result : Alyssa Sex + Conversation + (Robert, Julia, Paul) Threesome
Path 2: Staying in the pool
This choice results in a short scene of Julia and Paul making out. After this the MC
makes his move on Julia. Sonya catches all this on tape and asks you to fuck her in
front of Paul, while Julia eats her out. As time progression is set in the pool you
cannot see Eugenio having sex with Alyssa and you CAN'T listen to the
conversation with Silver mentioned in Path 1, unless Christine is dating Silver.
Result: (MC, Julia, Sonya) Threesome + (Eugenio, Alyssa) Sex ; NO
CONVERSATION unless Christine is dating Silver.
Path 3: Follow the girls
This route is basically Path 1 without the Alyssa sex scene. However you can check
on her having sex with Eugenio by visiting inside of the ship before entering the
pool. You also get to listen to the conversation with Silver in the hot tub and
watch the (Julia, Robert, Paul) scene.
Result: Conversation + (Robert, Julia, Paul) Threesome
Special V.0.1.6 Guide:
The player has 11 chances to arouse Jessica before the sex act begins. Jessica reacts differently to you
depending on the:
A.) body part you play with,
B.) her arousal level and
C.) number of times you play with certain area.
You will see her growing arousal on screen, and from her reactions.
Sex act always goes to doggy style position and now it’s up to you how it goes further. You can simply
cum in her or if she is aroused enough, after doggy-style sex you can attempt anal sex, or pin her for a
hard core fuck session if you choose to change position with her face up.
There are two Easter eggs while preparing Jessica for sex. If her arousal point is in maximum available
limit i.e. 10 arousal points, you can make her cum by playing with her pussy at last attempt before sex
act begins.
Sex With Jessica:
Path One – Doggy Sex or Face up sex:
For the first creampie in doggy style you don't have to do anything but have sex as normal and end it
early with cumming in Jessica. For belly spraying during face up sex option you need to have low arousal
of Jessica to not trigger submissive sex when choosing to change position to “face up”.
Path Two – Submissive Sex:
For submissive sex ending you need to have high arousal level of Jessica to trigger submissive sex when
choosing to change position to “face up”.
Path Three – Anal:
You can try for anal position only from doggie style. She will agree to anal if you have prepared her for it
during the previous foreplay.
Make sure to massage her ass twice, once during low arousal, and once during very high arousal.
For the Anal ending you need to make sure that Jessica is aroused enough first. Then flip her over. You
have to play with her ass at least twice. You will know you are good to go when she isn't averse to you
putting your finger in.
Special NTR Only Scene:
The yacht (and indeed the game) can end with a special NTR scene at the end of Day 14. All you need to
do to access this scene is to lie to Christine about who you are when given the opportunity. She won’t
trust you after that, and her choices for the rest of the game will change. If you do tell her who you are,
the NTR path will continue as normal.
Special V.0.2.0 Guide:
Main routes (without NTR):
In this version there are several choices or occasions that will ultimately affect endings of the whole
During breakfast you’re asked whether you want to support Christine in her investigation of the whole
Silver/Robert shady business. Although you are given option to choose whether you want to try to stop
her or encourage her to do it, her decision is based whether she has more Friend or Horny points at the
time of conversation.
After breakfast you are “distracted” by Christine during phone call. If you choose to fuck her on the
table, you will ultimately make her pregnant. It’s up to you to choose, but also depending on Horny vs.
Friend points it can have different outcomes and impacts on endings.
In the office Veruca is trying to seduce you. If you already fucked her during your visit at Silver’s home,
you might get her pregnant too, if you choose to use the situation. This will also have impact on endings.
Final note, during your date in cinema there are some erotic scenes only available if Horny points are
bigger than Friendship points.
NTR Endings:
In this version there are introduced two endings for both Silver/Robert NTR routes. Following in-game
decisions/points listed below affect the endings of the whole story:
1.) Corporate/Patreon alias Silver/Robert paths have their own endings...
2.) Horny vs Friend points of Christine impacts her attitude towards Silver/Robert...
3.) Decision regarding threesome with Jessica and Christine impacts the endings...
4.) Fact whether you saved Jessica from Silver impacts the endings...
5.) Fact whether you fucked Veruca twice impacts the endings...
There is also long bonus swinger party scene with Jessica and other couple, which you can follow only on
NTR routes, it means you choose not to focus on Christine. You have to call Jessica when Christine lies to
you that she’s going to cinema with her. The scenario has various outcomes below:
1.) You can either fuck Jessica in front of the other couple,
2.) Let Jessica being fucked by a guy from the other couple,
3.) Fuck the stranger’s wife in front of Jessica and her husband.
Special V.0.2.2 (Final version) Guide:
In last version you play bottle game with Monica, Christine and Jessica. The game has 20 rounds. You can
ask each of the girls 4 questions. One of them is little bit nasty and therefore you have to drink at least 3
times before asking and also girls have to drink at least two times (Monica 3 times) to answer them,
otherwise they will drink and you lose chance to ask same question again. So, ask these questions in the
end and also ask certain question which makes girls drink (e.g. Monica - Christine’s father or Jessica –
Perfect Date). Based on your gameplay there are different version of conversations.
Main dirty question and answer which changes further gameplay options is to ask Christine about her
“Favorite sexual activity”. She will answer only if you’re on “Horny route” and she has been drinking at
least for two times.
Based on the decision in previous version whether “you offer to sleep on the couch” or not… you are now
having option to have fun with Monica or Jessica at the couch. Fucking Monica will affect in negative way
endings on “Friend route” and fucking Jessica here will affect both “Friend route” and “Horny route”.
When you enter the bedroom, you can silently fuck Christine while Jessica or Monica is sleeping nearby.
If Jessica is sleeping nearby and you had already threesome with her and Christine, she can join if you
choose so. (condition variable Threesome = 1)
Besides quick end games and NTR endings, game here has basically two main endings depending on which
route you’re (Horny route vs Friend route). Each one has many variations. The path you’re at is decided
based on fact whether she has more horny points than friendship points in the beginning of the Day29
where she is talking with you about the investigation and deciding whether she wants you to be involved.
(condition variable ChristineSolo = 1 or 0).
- 1st Horny route - Christine is doing investigation on her own, she does more nasty stuff with you but
she doesn’t tell her mother about your relationship and will actually leave you in the end
- 2nd Friendship route - Christine is doing investigation with you, endings has more romantic feeling, she
does tell her mother about your relationship (her reaction depends whether you fucked Monica or not)
and she will stay with you in the end.
Monica reaction regarding your relationship on Friendship route.
On both routes you might be cheating on Christine with either Sonya or Jessica or being faithful which
doesn’t exclude possible threesomes with Jessica later on.
You cheat with Jessica if you fucked her during the night in the Winter resort. You cheat with Sonya if
you don’t cheat with Jessica already and you fucked Sonya at least 3 times during game. If none of the
above is met you will be faithful to Christine.
If you had threesome with Christine and Jessica back in the apartment, you will have threesome with
Jessica and Christine also in the endings, with slightly different narration whether you cheat or not.
If you reached anal fuck with Christine, endings will include extra render.
If Christine leaves and you were cheating on her with Jessica, she will start to date you afterwards.
If you impregnated Christine on Friend route, you both are excited about it. On horny route she goes to


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